Radical Transparency: What SHOULD business owners share and what SHOULD we have permission to keep private?

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In today’s conversation we’re tackling the topic of Radical Transparency: What SHOULD business owners share and what SHOULD we have permission to keep private?

In a society that relishes “behind the scenes” the so-called “dish” and purported “reality…” we’re being called upon to be REAL but is REAL what the world really wants? It’s true that stories are how we connect. But, what, as business owners, SHOULD we be sharing and what could leave us feeling exposed, hungover on vulnerability, or even incurring some kind of liability based on what’s revealed?

This is a conversation about being REAL but also a conversation about the act of self-care that it sometimes is to keep what’s yours to yourself…and where you draw that line.

This is also a conversation about how sharing and transparency connects us, how it benefits a business, and how what you share might change over time.

I’m so excited to have a panel of prolific, savvy, and experienced business owners with me for this conversation: Amanda Lien, Emilie Mascarell, and Jordan Schanda King.

Listen in. THEN, get in touch and let me know what you thought of our conversation and what resonated with you the most.


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