Personality Management: Clients, Employees and Boundaries

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There’s something that happens to us when we’re not seeing the “real” stuff that each other is going through.

We start to feel alone.

Have you ever felt that way?

Alone in your challenge?

I experienced this early in my entrepreneurial life. And this theme started repeating itself last year, when everything felt so challenging.

I felt like I was the only one. And “not talking about it” just makes it worse. It perpetuates the isolation. And, what’s more, it makes other people feel alone, too.

Someone might be going through something similar and because we didn’t have the courage to share, they continue to go along thinking *they* are the only one.

Finally I realized I was repeating this pattern. So I committed to breaking it.

That’s when I relaunched the podcast and started having REAL conversations with people in business about the real challenges we ALL face behind the scenes.

Every time I’ve come up with a topic I wonder if it will resonate…and without exception, EVERYONE can identify with these challenges.

So now we’re talking about them.

This month’s roundtable is called “Personality Management: Clients, Employees and Boundaries.”

We get real about how disorienting it can be to be thrown off by a client, disappointed by a team member, or even let down by a mentor…what it’s revealed to us about ourselves and the many ways we’ve recovered. We’ll talk about how we’ve created STRONGER relationships as a result of finding the right strategies to deal with the discord.


If you’ve ever felt alone in the challenges of business ownership, these roundtables and this conversation in particular is for you.

Listen in. Let me know what resonated most.


Emotional Labor, On the Clock and Off the Clock


Negotiation and Assertiveness