Emotional Labor, On the Clock and Off the Clock

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In this episode we’re tackling the topic of Emotional Labor, On the Clock (in managing clients) and Off the Clock, the extra responsibility we carry…and what happens when you are just DONE bearing that burden.

Emotional Labor is the unrecognized and surreptitious activity of having to tend or support or manage the interpersonal emotional engagements necessary to simply move through the day – at work or at home – in order to maintain relationships and ensuring ease or status quo — Usually unappreciated or unacknowledged as disproportionately shouldered by women.

This is a conversation about confronting the natural burdens that befall us, communicating powerfully, creating and observing boundaries, and finding peace…and it’s for you if you feel worn down, worn out, and constantly asking yourself, “REALLY, this what I’m having to manage or deal with right now???”

I’m so excited to have a team of prolific, savvy, and experienced business owners on our panel for this one. Listen in. THEN, hit reply and let me know what you thought of our conversation and what resonated with you the most.


To Be Guided or Not to Be Guided By a Mentor


Personality Management: Clients, Employees and Boundaries