Financial Services Agency


In this case study, we showcase the remarkable success story of a fractional CFO accounting agency that went from $0 to seven figures in just two years, despite offering a unique and challenging-to-communicate service. With the support of a fractional CMO, the agency was able to define its brand, craft compelling messaging, develop an effective product, and execute a successful go-to-market strategy.

Client Background:

The founder of the agency, a former oil and gas financial accounting CPA, had a groundbreaking philosophy and framework for providing financial services to service-based businesses. This innovative approach was new to the market and required a significant shift in how businesses perceived and managed their finances. Despite their entrepreneurial venture and specific viewpoint, the founder lacked entrepreneurial experience and struggled to communicate their vision in a market-friendly manner.


• Introducing a new and unique service to the market

• Educating potential clients about the benefits and value of the new approach

• Founder's lack of entrepreneurial experience

• Technical jargon and language that was not easily understood by the target market

• Difficulty in differentiating the agency from competitors in a crowded market

• Limited resources and budget for marketing and business development

Our Strategy:

To address these challenges, the fractional CMO implemented the following strategies:

• Developed a relationship marketing approach to build trust and credibility with potential clients, focusing on educating them about the service and its benefits

• Formed strategic partnerships with complementary service providers to expand the agency's reach and referral network

• Created a robust content marketing plan to educate the target audience, demystify the new service, and showcase the founder's expertise

• Refined the agency's messaging to clearly articulate the founder's vision, unique value proposition, and the transformative potential of the new approach

• Identified unique selling points and developed a strong brand identity to stand out from competitors and emphasize the innovative nature of the service

• Optimized resources by focusing on high-impact, low-cost marketing initiatives that directly addressed the challenges of introducing a new service to the market

The implemented strategies yielded impressive results:

• Successfully educated the market about the new service and its benefits

• Quickly acquired clients and established early successes, despite the unique and challenging nature of the service

• Generated $500,000 in revenue within the first year

• On track to achieve seven-figure revenue in the second year

• Achieved profitability nearly from the start

• Built a strong reputation and brand recognition within the target market as a pioneer in the field

Lessons Learned:

  1. When introducing a new and unique service to the market, building strong relationships and focusing on education through the relationship marketing approach was crucial in driving client engagement and growth. By investing time and effort in educating potential clients about the benefits and value of the new approach, the agency was able to overcome initial skepticism and establish trust.

  2. The content marketing plan played a vital role in demystifying the new service, showcasing the founder's expertise, and highlighting the transformative potential of the approach. By creating valuable, informative content, the agency was able to attract and convert leads, even in the face of a challenging-to-communicate service.

  3. Refining the agency's messaging and developing a strong brand identity were essential in differentiating the agency from competitors and emphasizing the innovative nature of the service. By clearly articulating the founder's vision, unique value proposition, and the benefits of the new approach, the agency was able to stand out in the market and attract forward-thinking clients.

  4. Resource optimization and focusing on high-impact, low-cost marketing initiatives that directly addressed the challenges of introducing a new service allowed the agency to achieve significant growth and profitability, despite limited resources.

The success of this fractional CFO accounting agency in introducing a new and unique service to the market demonstrates the power of a well-crafted brand, messaging, product, and go-to-market strategy. By partnering with a skilled fractional CMO, the founder was able to overcome the challenges of educating the market, differentiate themselves from competitors, and achieve remarkable growth in a short period. The lessons learned  highlight the importance of building strong relationships, creating educational content, refining messaging, and optimizing resources when introducing a groundbreaking service. Expert guidance when launching and scaling an innovative service-based business, even in the face of unique challenges and limited resources, is possible with the right marketing leadership.

By partnering with us, our client witnessed a transformative shift from stagnant enrollment to a thriving and dynamic training program, opening new doors for future success.

[Client name and other sensitive information have been omitted to protect confidentiality.]

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